Use this handy checklist to get organized long before you move.
At Least One Month Before The Move
- Clean out your closets, attic, basement, cupboards, toy chests, and bookshelves.
- Discard anything you don’t want or need.
- Consider having a garage sale.
- Donate unwanted items to charitable organizations (i.e. hospitals, nursing homes, day care centers, libraries, and thrift shops). Obtain receipts for tax purposes.
- Evaluate whether to ship your appliances. Consider age, size and color. If your stove, refrigerator, washer, or dryer won’t match or fit in your new home, consider selling them. For example, don’t move a gas stove or dryer into an all electric house. Also, consider selling chandeliers and ceiling fans with your home unless you have a special or sentimental reason for taking them along.
- Make a complete inventory of items to be moved.
- Decide if you will move all your plants or just your favorites.
- Notify the security-company, lawn or snow removal services or any other regular services or your vacating date.
- Arrange to collect any advance deposits or security deposits on utilities or rentals.
- Check your homeowners insurance. Any prepaid balance may be applied to your new residence. Be sure to coordinate with your insurance carrier so you new residence is covered immediately.
- Check on club membership fees. The money may be refunded or, if allowed, you might consider transferring or selling the membership to a friend.
- Check with your veterinarian regarding any travel preparation needed for your pets.
- Register children for school; transfer all necessary school records.
- Plan shipment date to occur after closing on your new home.
At Least Two Weeks Before The Move
- Contact telephone, electric, gas, and water companies to confirm specific date on which to discontinue services.
- Advise utility companies in your new location when to start new services.
- Check new driver’s license and auto registration requirements.
- Advise newspaper carrier and trash service to discontinue services.
- Ask your present physicians(s) and dentist for referrals in the new location.
- Transfer medical records and get copies of prescriptions. If members of the family have any ongoing medical or dental treatment programs.
- Transfer insurance records.
- Arrange for the transfer of valuables. Check contents of your safe deposit box.
One Week Before The Move
- Keep a detailed record and receipts of your moving expenses for income tax purposes. This includes transportation, lodging, meals, etc.
- Check to make sure you didn’t leave anything at the dry cleaners.
- Put linens and pillows in the dresser drawers to have handy for making up your beds the first night in your new home.
- Prepare a “ready box” with all the necessary medications and first aid supplies.
- Prepare the children for the move and trip by providing them with a “ready box” with their own special treasures. Include toys and games and snacks for your trip.
- Defrost and clean your refrigerator and freezer at least 24 hours in advance of the move.
- Transfer your address with the US Post Office and/or your mail carrier using a change of address form.
Day Before The Move
- The packing crew usually arrives the day before the van is loaded. Be sure someone is on site to superv
ise the packing.
- Pack any valuables you intend to take with you.
- Make sure fragile items receive special attention.
- Label each carton with the contents and location in the new home.
- Gather keys to the house and arrange to leave them with the new owners, your real estate agent, landlord or a trusted neighbor.
- Notify police if your home will be unoccupied after you leave.
- Notify a close friend or relative of your itinerary in case of emergency.
- Contact the utility companies to verify start dates.
Day Of Move Out
- Check the mover’s inventory to be sure that you agree with the mover’s judgment on the condition of your household goods. Take photographs if there is a dispute. Make sure you get a copy of the inventory.
- Search every room before the van leaves.
- Check the Bill of Lading for completeness before you sign it. Retain a copy for your records.
- Record the van driver’s name and give him contact numbers at the destination. Confirm directions to the new residence with your driver.
- Set the thermostat at 60 degrees.
Day Of Move In
- Get to your new home before the movers. There could be a waiting charge if you are late.
- Check appliances, furnace and hot water heater.
- Check the condition of each carton and household item’s as they are unloaded.
- List all missing or damaged items on the inventory form.
- Since you will probably do some unpacking after the movers leave, make a note on the inventory form “subject to inspection for loss or concealed damage”.